5 Tips When Applying to New Roles

5 Tips for Applying For a New Job Opportunity
Times have certainly changed. Many people across the world find themselves in a position they may have never been. Below are 5 steps to help you in your search for a new job opportunity:
Create a plan – This plan could consist of many subsets. Number of jobs applied to per day, number of connections with hiring managers on LinkedIn, amount of time spent applying to new positions, editing your resume to tailor a specific job for best possible results, etc. These are just a few of the things to consider when creating your plan for finding a new job during this time. Having a plan is essential to stay focused, committed and on task.
Stick to your plan – Try your absolute hardest to keep to your plan on a daily basis. If you have several interviews lined up, do not take your foot off of the gas. Continue to seek out potential opportunities until your first day at your new job.
Time management – Treat this process as if it were job itself. Set a timeframe for each section of your plan. For example:
9:00am-10:00am – Source for new job openings
10:00am-11:00am – Apply to new postings
11:00am-12:00pm – Send LinkedIn connections/messages to hiring managers
12:00pm-1:00pm – Break/Lunch
1:00pm-2:00pm – Source for new job openings on a different job board
2:00pm-3:00pm – Tailor resume to new positions
3:00pm-4:00pm – Apply to new postings
Numbers Game – Keep track of number of jobs and which jobs you applied to during this process- you may hear from a recruiter weeks or months after you have applied. Typically, you will receive an automated e-mail from the company letting you know that you have successfully applied to the job opening. Keep these receipts in an e-mail folder for quick reference and follow up guide – a spreadsheet is a great way to track the status and information of the jobs you have applied for.
Stay positive – Try to look at the bright side of the process and have a positive demeanor. Your optimism will be able to be seen during face-to-face interviews and heard in your voice on phone interviews. – Ready to prepare for your interview? Check out our blog on Crushing your HR/Manager Interview!